“I know it sounds a bit bizarre
But in Camelot…..that’s how conditions are
The rain may never fall till after sundown
By 8 the morning fog must disappear
In short there’s simply not
A more congenial spot
for happily ever-aftering
Than here in Camelot”
There was never really anything like it before or since. Master Jou, Tsung-Hwa had created a great laboratory that was the 100 acre farm where for a time he created a Taijiquan Camelot in the rolling hills of Warwick New York. Almost everyone who visited, learned or taught there was happy and surprised at the congenial atmosphere and openness of all the teachers.
It was truly a place like no other. After his passing, this labor of love disappeared into the mists of time like the fabled Arthurian legends. At least the Tai Chi Farm was for a brief and shining moment a place that changed and influenced the spread of internal arts for years to come.
Farm documentary:
This video made by Taijiquan teacher and artist Eo Omwake, gives us a glimpse into the happening that was the Zhang San Feng Festival at Tai Chi Farm. It shows what it was like to visit Master Jou’s legendary home in the 1990’s, where one could learn directly from Master Jou and visiting masters and teachers from around the world of all the Chinese internal arts from meditation to Qigong and martial arts as well as eastern healing
practices. It was a place that existed briefly and will never be duplicated again. Everyone came together in the spirit of cooperation, sharing, and love, leaving egos and politics at the entrance of the magical place once knows as the Tai Chi Farm. We hope you enjoy this program and that many of the famous teachers and guests will enjoy seeing themselves down on the farm!
Master Jou Discussing Dantian Movement in Taijiquan
This is an impromptu demonstration by Master Jou during a Zhang San Feng Festival in which he discusses how he incorporated the idea of abdomen in / abdomen out in each move of the forms.
Let’s Visit Tai Chi Farm

The Farm Grounds During Festivals

Workshops Representing All Internal Methods

More Teachers and Their Programs

The 20th Annual Zhang San Feng Festival

The 21st Annual Zhang San Feng Festival

The 27th Annual Zhang San Feng Festival