There are three amazing books still in print from the Master Jou Tai Chi Foundation.

The Dao of Taijiquan: Way to Rejuvenation
In The Dao of Taijiquan, the author, Jou, Tsung-Hwa, bears witness to the ability of Tai Chi to relieve the body of pent-up tension and rejuvenate the spirit in a thorough study of the techniques and classical texts of this ancient martial art. In order to create a serious textbook that explained the philosophy behind the movements of Taijiquan, he read all available books in both English and Chinese before writing The Dao of Taijiquan. This book can be used as a college textbook for courses in Tai Chi (whether as a philosophy or in sports studies).

The Tao of The I Ching (Yijing)
Without a doubt, Jou, Tsung-Hwa’s study of the ancient I-Ching is the clearest and easiest to understand. He has taken a text that Confucius himself did not undertake to study until he was past 60 years old and presents it in words and concepts that Westerners can readily grasp. Most translations and discussions of the I Ching tend towards the vague and misty. Not so with this book! If you’re truly interested in understanding the I-Ching and how it works, you must have this book!

The Tao of Meditation, Way to Enlightenment
(Out of Print)
The Tao of Meditation will show you how to open your mind and spirit. Part One explains the philosophy of all forms of meditation. Part Two describes in detail the series of twelve breathing exercises, or Chi Kung, that can be used to lead and circulate the Chi energy of the body. Part Three deals with the Lien Ching Hwa Chi or the transfer of sexual energy to psychic energy. We hope to bring this book back soon!
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The Dao of Taijiquan: Way to Rejuvenation